
July Toxic Air in Grand Isle, Louisiana

July Toxic Air in Grand Isle, Louisiana EPA DATA July 1 - July 8, 2010

The word "gas" comes from the Greek word for "chaos."

Gases are not equally distributed in the air. They form in pockets. They rise, fall, disperse, liquify, dissipate, combine with other gases, precipitate out, reform, blow away. 

The Environmental Protection Agency's data collection of toxic gases is a "cover up" for how serious the situation is. 

Toxic fumes are blowing through the air unevenly, radically, unpredictably. High concentrations of toxic gases blow through an area, followed by lower concentrations of toxic gases. 

"One Hour Readings" for VOC gases on Grand Isle are coming in at concentrations greater than 10 ppm on the EPA Air Quality Index. These are toxic gases and dangerous concentrations. The potential health impact of humans of VOC gases at these high levels are documented by National Resource Defense Council.

On July 4th, two One-Hour Readings came in above 10 ppm - 16.1 ppm and 10.7 ppm. For communities that depend upon the EPA's daily averages, the toxic level of VOC gases appears to be "only" 5.47 ppm, which is dangerously high as an average. The toxicity of the gases at readings above 10 ppm is "hidden" in the average.

Readings are for "Highest Daily Reading." For example, on July 6, 2010 EPA collected 3 air samples with readings of 9.8 ppm, 1.2 ppm, and 0.1 ppm. The three readings produce a daily average of 3.7 ppm, which is the amount that EPA reports. 

This example indicates the wide differences that appear in the data produced by EPA and reported in the media. By producing and reporting average toxicity, the gravity of the toxic concentrations is hidden. The reported 3.7 ppm average for July 6th "covers up" the toxic cloud of VOC gas  at 9.8 ppm that blew through and was recorded in a one-hour reading.

Since only 3 readings are produced by EPA for July 6th, it is impossible to know at what levels the VOC gases blew through, during the undocumented hours. Where the undocumented VOC gases blowing through at 9.8 ppm or higher. Or, where they at 1.0 ppm?

The populations along the Gulf are being gassed. 

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