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- CDC Info for Disasters
- CDC Info for Response Workers
- CDC Info for Health Professionals
- CDC Info for Coastal Residents
- USEIA Crude Explained
- Clean Up Workers Getting Sick
- CDC Light Crude and Your Health
- Toxicity of Natural Gas
- Toxicity of Crude Oil
- Concerns of Health Effects
- Volcano of Oil Erupting
- Evaluating EPA Air Monitoring
- BP Oil Slick Blog
- Gas in Air on Coast
- Black Clouds Over Coast
- Gas Hazards in Oil and Gas
Read this article by Dr. Mark Sircus
Read this entire article by Dr. Mark Sircus
My suggestion for first steps is to read our site on sodium bicarbonate and then onmagnesium chloride. Purchase and immediately get familiar with what is called magnesium oiland learn about transdermal medicine, for that’s how these medicinals are best applied. If you’re anywhere near where the wind could blow the poisons that are gathering in and above the Gulf, go to Cosco or the supermarket and buy fifty pounds of bicarbonate, you just might need it. The affected area will eventually include much of the southern and southeastern United States – probably an area that includes upwards of 50 million people, so expect supplies to sell out from all possible domestic sources very quickly for most of the substances if this information gets out and the oil flow is not stopped, which no one at this point is indicating or promising. More of Article
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Gulf Gas Posters For Purchase and Download
In the unlikely event that chemical or radiological hazards cause officials to advise people in a specific area to "shelter-in-place" in a sealed room, households should have in the room they have selected for this purpose:
- A roll of duct tape and scissors
- Plastic sheeting pre-cut to fit shelter-in-place room openings
Ten square feet of floor space per person will provide sufficient air to prevent carbon dioxide buildup for up to five hours. Local officials are unlikely to recommend the public shelter in a sealed room for more than two-three hours because the effectiveness of such sheltering diminishes with time as the contaminated outside air gradually seeps into the shelter.