
Low Level versus High Level Radiation

There is no safe level of radiation exposure.

Jeff Patterson, former president of Physicians for Social Responsibility

It is the inability to see the effects of chronic,
 low level toxicities on human health that has been,
 and remains, our greatest failing as intelligent beings.

Dr. Boyd Haley

A growing body of animal research suggests to some scientists that even minute traces of some chemicals, always assumed to be biologically insignificant, can affect such processes as gene activation and the brain development of newborns.

WSJ quoted by Dr. Mark Sircus blog

An especially striking finding: It appears that some substances may have effects at the very lowest exposures that are absent at higher levels.

WSJ quoted by Dr. Mark Sircus blog

The new science of low-dose exposure is challenging centuries of accepted wisdom about toxic substances and rattling the foundation of environmental law.

WSJ quoted by Dr. Mark Sircus blog

There is no safe level of mercury, and no one
 has actually shown that there is a safe level.

Dr. Lars Friberg, Chief adviser to WHO on mercury safety

There is no safe level of radiation.

Dr. Mark Sircus Low Level Toxicity

Children and unborn babies most at risk of possibly developing cancer from low toxicity.

Dr. Mark Sircus Low Level Toxicity

Inhaling or ingesting only one radioactive particle of plutonium can cause cancer.

Dr. Mark Sircus Blog

Will the radiation spread?” asks one headline. Radiation always spreads is the answer. 
It is in its very nature to do so.

Dr. Mark Sircus Low Level Toxicity

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