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I got thinking about the Cold War in the 1950s and early 60’s, when the US government mobilized a nation to prepare for the “Big One” that never came. We all learned how to climb under our desk at school. Our parents joined the Civil Defense to stand on top of the local town’s bank buildings and scan the skies with binoculars to look for Russian bombers.
Now, we have a nuclear threat to our country that is potentially greater. Yet the giant government and media machines are hard at work to coat it with invisible paint and make it disappear. Low radiation. No threat. Not harmful. These are the same people who tell us it is OK to swim in the Gulf. How do the families of the dead victims of the Gulf’s Blue Plague respond the government’s and media’s current spin to assuage the public’s fears?
Contrary to the government’s and media’s spin, Dr. Mark Sircus and other professional medical people tell us “there is no such thing as safe radiation” and “one particle of plutonium in your lung can cause cancer.”
How can our poor little pea brains handle such contrary points of view?
In the the 50’s the government taught us to climb under our desk for a few minutes in a drill. Now, the government wants us to be ostriches. Stick your head in the ground and don’t look up.
The spinsters want to make it seem that we live with “background radiation” all the time and it is OK. No, it kills! Why do dermatologists tell us to cover up outdoors in the sun? How many human beings are dying right now from melanoma they got from “background radiation?”
Doesn’t anyone want to tackle the qualitative differences between radiation from different kinds of radioactive elements? Can the EPA or Wolf Blitzer tell me it a brick or rock gives off the same kind of radiation as a uranium fuel rod?
Here is my question: would the government of Japan or US tell us, if they found radioactive isotopes of plutonium in the seawater? They like reporting on iodine isotopes with half lives of a few hours or days. When the devil’s sperm, namely plutonium 239, shows up in the radioactive concoction floating off Fukushima, will his handlers release the news?
Government advice: Avoid bricks and rocks, but don’t worry about the radioactive iodine and cesium falling on your neighborhood. And plutonium, don’t ask.